My review of Andy Golub's Naked Theatre by Greg Valentine
Review of the Naked Theatre Freedom Dance play June 3rd, 2022
By Gregory Valentine
This play is written and directed From the Heart of Andy Golub, the story talks about the consequences of freedom, fear and who really is in charge of this ship called "Life" that we are all part of? Is it the choices of a distant Sovereign deity or is it the grand choices of close short-sighted humanity?
Though this story contains real nude actors to envision this story, it is neither a shocking exhibition nor a sexual one in its presentation or purpose. This is one of the hallmark principles of Andy's work to bring together humans in a natural nonsexual, non-shocking way. The revelation of bare body freedom in this story is for a certain set of human reasons to connect with, a story of every human on the face of the earth in simplicity, without societal hierarchies.
From the beginning, you knew you were watching an allegory and a tale of many possibilities. There are little stories within, that form up and tie into the grand story, but you have to carefully watch, clearly listen and deeply think in order to comprehend the total depth of this story. One thing for sure, you were about to see something you have never seen before and never will again. It was like a vapor, here but for a moment and gone in flash. After the play, I began thinking of all the possibilities. It leaves you pondering what are my decisions and choices and where does it lead me? This the purpose of art.
Here is a quick non spoiler Summary of the plot:
When life is filled with so many possibilities and freedoms, yet every freedom has a reaction or a response to it. As you watch long enough, it will lead us to the final place in the story where all the characters will be in a pre-reincarnated stated before they are returned back to earth to face life over once more. Here is their only chance to make a wish that will determine their new places in their new life and it all comes down to a personal wish. What do you desire most in life? What do you want in the next life?
It seems from the entrance of him, that the semi unrelatable god-like character in this story is visibly frustrated with the choices that the people are making, yet somewhat amused to dish out an all-powerful one wish to each granted, just like a genie would, yet with their sudden and terrible consequences only after the wish was made. Perhaps they were supposed to learn a life lesson in the life prior to making this one wish and must make the choice wisely. That moment it made me think back to each character in the previous scenes and wonder if that lesson was portrayed or played out so when each reach this point, they are prepared to make their next wise choice. Perhaps, there are clues to these choices in their living or maybe not. Each seemingly basic wish of a general human wants, or needs is met with a sharp hook, or a severe consequence not explained or warned beforehand. Nope here it is, this is the fallout from that choice made. This goes on for a while until the final one is requested, and that key word is “love.” This amuses that godlike character and makes his day better.
This play was cleverly written, for such a time as our time, it has a hints of mocking satire and dramatic irony often breaking the
4th wall into the audience's reality we live in. With signpost after signpost
that freedom to choose selfishly has consequences but Love does not.
This is my spoiler review:
I don’t think we ever find out who is in charge of the ship but we do find out that there are many reactions to the sudden questions of what do we do now once we know the final end is near? What it does shows you is what's going on as far as what we can guess to be true only from a finite human perspective.
There were some pretty real reactions that I found fascinating. Like one character finds out that there is an enormous hole in the side of the ship and that it’s taking on water, jike the very allegory of life itself. That character makes a big plan to fight the oncoming terminus only to be blocked by each character and then to finally give into the "party till we die" mentality. I think it was because that character lacked the power and authority to change the eventual and just gave up too. There is even a character, which for some time has been swimming like for a very long time while only to finally find a few moments of rest on a sinking ship before the ship is sunken.
This story was cleverly written and set in motion by many thoughts that cumulate in the understanding that the god character gives choices but tells them what the consequences are only after the choices have been made, not to assist them later with those consequences but to get a chuckle with their forthcoming misery as he gets on with the progress of his busy reality.
The godlike character did not seem to be in charge of the situation just seem like he was once a person who was elevated to godhood and is like one of the Greek or Roman Mythology. He is armed with a once human assistant helping him before telling him what’s up, after a situation happened on his clipboard.
I made the connection to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You know, with choices being made while in the nude about life and death. The contrast was opposite to this story where you are told your repercussion only after the choice was made. Whereas, in Adam and Eve’s case they were directly warned of the consequences before they made the choice to take of the fruit. Then they took of the fruit and was promised the some one would deliver them and give them a new life.
Personally, I don’t know why love doesn’t have any sharp hooks or seemingly negatives to it. I think it has something to do with it not being a selfish decision or a personal benefit. It has a selflessness that not too many people make and desire to make when chasing the dollar to pay that bill.
I realized that the story was dealing with some big situations that life has to offer and the conclusion to wind down on the positive note of Love was fairly given Segway to land this ship compared to the reality that Love has many hooks and sadness attached to it (or at least surrounding it.) In life sometimes the thing that you love leaves you by death, divorce, despair or distance and you are faced to deal with that loss. Sometimes love makes people have to defend an innocent person or animal and cause the loss of life for the one who loves and that is very painful. In the story when they are asked what kind of love the person desires in the future in their new life the person responded to just “Love”.
From a biblical Christian point of view Almighty God is very involved with his creation, He is often times angry with the decisions that freedom people make and he dishes out many warnings to turn and live. Even when we chose to do the very worse with our freedoms to do whatever and face the ultimate consequences for our Missing the mark of his standards that he has set in our hearts and nature to warn and direct us. He loved this world so much to send his only son to the cross to die for it. The Love he has for us is such a great love that it is closer to parental love for his creation. This love is so powerful a self sacrificing love that fulfills the very wrath of God and shows his mercy for his fallen creation. He loved us so much that he gave his life for the purpose of making us brand new people, who chose him, a new humanity of people who were once fallen into various desires temptations and destruction and now made into a new humanity through forgiveness and surrender by the Love of the Almighty. It is a dance.
The greatest highlight of this story in my opinion was in the personal testimony of Andy and the actors where they broke the 4th wall and told their real-life personal tales of how of some real genuine trials or problem in their life. It was this human connection that I personally see in all of Andy Golub’s works, that make me want to see more of it and be part of the works he has presented. We have spoken at length on this concept, and this is exactly where the story shines. I was glad to see many of the conversations we had being flushed out in the unclothed actor's form. It was like life where when it is time to come forth it is time to be born. It is in the human connection where each person is a human canvas telling a very human story of overcoming some difficulty and problem in a funny or unique way, showing us that we are all naked under our clothes trying to make sense of this world we live in.
It is definitely worth a watch. You should definitely check it out before, like a vapor, it is gone forever.
You would be able to get tickets if you hurry for tonight or for tomorrow’s final show in the link below
Naked Theater: Freedom Dance Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite