Low sugar

This morning I awoke. Good thing too.:) for if I woke up dead then I know it would be the starting of the zombie apocalypse!

Anyway, I had to move my dads van from the alternate side parking Friday side, and i got up funny. Me thinks me almost sprained me wrist, getting up from sleep in a crab walker style. So I jumped up, doctored my arm and went to the kitchen. Thats when the dizzy spell grabbed me. I went for the life giving orange juice, but it was gone. Dats right, I drank it all yesterday. Oh no all thats left is. Prune juice and water. Icky prune juice! Neva! I gulped down a cup of purified water. I could feel power draining out. So I retreated. I staggered back to my bed jumped over my wife and plopped down. Sweating. Heart pounding. Breathing hard. my sweet wife came to my aid with cut mangoes, prune juice!, water and 2 jelly sandwiches. I have low blood sugar like Paul Blart mall cop ,but dang it if I get a ticket on my pops van today! I praised God for my wife and my kids for trials.
It was getting nearer the time to move it. I could feel my power returning . Room still spinning but I had to get up. So I did and then after moving the car went to work and did a full days shift. Praise God it was bagel Friday and the decaf coffee is free everyday, boo yeah.

I'm so glad my sweet wife picked me up too later this day. So I guess I had a full day.


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