Why truth is so hard to accept
Truth is hard to accept because of:
Pride- how can I be wrong
Fear- what will I do now?
Comfort- I'm happy where I am thanks, and its okay for me.
Money related- I could lose my job
Status- everyone will think less of me
Responsibility- now I have to stop what I was use to doing and do something else.
Fear- (that's right, twice.)
The fear of man brings a snare.
Fear of offending all who know me.
Nothing is too hard to change stop or reassess. The truth is we frankly very often don't want to change even if it might help everyone we've been hurting. We somehow believe that the person hurting you will grow a conscience, and say "gee im sorry for being a jerk". Hey sometimes it actually happens, but usually the jerk sleeps well at night.
The one that got me for years was about being a good testimony for God. Let the person hurt you approach so You may win them to your side. It helped me alright, it helped me to get more people to manipulate the Greg's kindness factor! Oh Christian dude, do this thing for me that i know i can do myself so you can show me your faith, or preacher man. I know you have a family to go home to and i dont so you go sweep the entire store, sucka . Hey brother Greg go do that extremely difficult bypass surgery, move heaven and earth and make sure you do it all for free. It took me years to wise up. Still working through the baggage, even now that truth is, they were all taking advantage of my kind spirit. So now I'm trying to unlearn "how to win friends and influence people" and learn instead "The cage fighter's philosophy on etiquette and upper diplomacy. (My next blog) :)
Truth is hard to grasp even harder to allow it to change half your life. It must be a total life thing. Amputated limbs affect the entire body. All truth all the way. Being half alive is being half dead.
Faith without action is no faith at all.
If you were the only person who knew something was going to happen or see a baby about to walk/crawl into traffic, or know about some medicine that makes people deathly ill, would you be afraid of sharing that truth? You must act. You must do something. Saying truth requires acting, requires appropriateness, urgency and necessity. Balanced loving caring.
Truth is hard to receive because fear is like a dark cloud that covers the land. Raining doubts on every decision. Casting questions on things that are concrete. No one is guaranteed a tomorrow. Don't let the fear of seeking the truth rob you from a moment of really living today. Change the world, today .
Boo yeah!