Hebrews 10:25 by Greg Valentine

We stopped going to church for 2 years now. We have an on going fellowship with believers everywhere we can, daily. Then someone comes along and says "hey brother, where do you go to church?" We don't go to church, we are the church." We'd reply. Then their reaction is usually "forsake not the assembling together." So we say "we are fellowshipping, just not in a building." This is too complex for most believers to understand the reality of "being the church" verses "going to church". What does this verse really mean? Get together? yes. Where? when? who? and how? These verses have no answer with regards to church buildings and frequency of gatherings other than seeing the word "daily". There weren't any buildings till 300 AD so most believers met freely and daily at homes.
This verse as I've come to understand it, has little to do with gathering in a building and it has more to deal with personally identifying with the believers in a dangerous local area. The usage of this verse to prove that we should be meeting on a given Sunday at a specific time to encounter a specific worship is quite erroneous.
The full context of such scripture in Hebrews is that, Jesus is better. He is better than the sacrifices, he is better than the law, he is better than Moses. He is better than the tabernacle, Better than ceremonies and he is better than angels. Jesus Christ is the "end-all" and he is the "beat-all" he is better than the entire old covenant

 This is to say that when you look at this passage in context there is a warning in this passage about encouraging each other daily. Because of fear they were leaving the association of believers.Even afraid to be called a Christian. Its not talking about meeting on a given day but living faith in Jesus period. Why would they run?  There is something that is coming. That every Jewish person at the time over heard Jesus say.  It was something that the people were so afraid of. So much fear, that it weeded out the people who were casual in  being a fan but not really following Jesus.

 Jesus warned that the temple will be destroyed. The temple being destroyed was one of the most fearful and subsequent catastrophes that would signify the destruction of the Jewish nation. Back when Jesus  was walking with the women and the apostles. Scriptures  said in Matthew 24:1,2
"Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the buildings of the temple. 2 And Jesus said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”  

This to us it's like a looming terroist attack. Now we've heard of  loonies trying to predict the future but when you have Jesus our Saviour rising from the dead and proving that he is indeed, God in the flesh.  Everyday is a potential heart attack because its a statement of fact that its going to happen! So now let's entering the full context.

The rest of the passage goes on to explain about faith and confidence. About believers suffering with regards to their faith. My friends this passage is about struggling to remain faithful as the government and the world of these 1st century jewish Christian believers are both about to be shattered by a promise to the destruction of the temple.

Now we know this thing actually happened. 70 ad Titus destroyed Jerusalem.
then the Jewish people were scattered from Jerusalem for thousands of years after that.
What looming overarching fear do we face today as believers in the richest country in the world? Not the pending doom of annihilation by the government you're under. Nor is it the promise of certain doom by Jesus before he rose from the dead to seal the deal. No no, our greatest fear is missing the "church session appointment ", which is the blessing of the Pastor. When he gives his once a week, one way spoon fed monologue to people who are commanded by God to dialogue with one another, to be hospitable to each other, to welcome each other in, to know what we believe and to be established in the faith to make their calling and election secure, and to daily encourage each other to good works. To be active in a dying world just like Jesus was. The usual general mindset is not wrapped up in spending hours per week engaged in deep out side church conversation agonizing over issues, facts and events facing our faith. Like how do we love people who are different in every possible way from us, and not be jerks when we share about who Jesus is? No, our fear is that we are forsaking a church building and missing "clocking in" at 10 and "out by noon." God is big and if you feel that you can be fully functioning sitting once, twice, or three times a week listening, when you have family and friends not even attending or seeing your example of Jesus in you. Then go ahead. I wont stop you. Maybe the verse is applied backwards. Maybe the ones huddling in a building are not the ones really exhorting believers but rudely forsaking the gathering of believers daily in Jesus name , because in our mind some formal impersonal "don't talk to your neighbor" ceremony must take place to have true fellowship? Just a real serious thought. Jesus told the woman at the well of Sychar true worship is not time and place. Ponder that. John 4:21-24 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. So in short conclusion to the events above, stop using Hebrews 10:25 about "proving" church building attendance. The context is about abandoning Jesus and not dutifully encouraging believers daily in a hospitable community , whom were (in context) expecting certain ceremonial and cultural destruction to their natural way of life. Which actually happened. You can't daily encourage if you're not daily encouraging each other and this seldom takes place daily in church buildings who meet once a week.


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