Is forced faith, faith?

I had a late night discussion with a friend. At one point we spoke on faith verses common sense. That friend's point was faith was beyond human common sense. Which believe it or not, makes sense. What did not make sense, well common sense anyway, was saying that I have no choice but to have faith. Or simpler I'm forced to have faith. Now I hate wasting people's time, so ill run quick to seek out getting to the point, can a person have a faith in something against their will and their beliefs and still say it's faith? Is it possible?  I'm not sure.

I've said it before in passing. Fact is fact. Belief is an opinion unless its based on a fact. Faith is based on something unseen but its like a promise. They call it good faith. A guarantee,  a certified seal and an engagement ring. It is only as strong as what it placed on and what is promised by it.  However once seen its no longer faith, just fulfillment. This is what the Bible means when it says, hope that is seen is not hope.

" Romans 8:24-25  For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. "

To say you are forced to have faith. Means no other options available to you. It means you have exhausted all your resources and left with only faith.

I've pondered the other side. Hoping that this situation whatever it might be will somehow work out. Is the other side.  Is that forcing faith into a situation? Maybe forced faith is actually a prove real thing?  I've listened to guys speak on optimism and not giving up even when situations says give up. It has worked when doctors say no way they think they can make it and they do! That would be an example of forced faith in the positive. Forced faith in the negative would be having no positive out look and just jumping infront of a truck. That is the forced faith of survivors of suicide attempts somehow it will work out. Not if your dead or mangled, it wont.


The Good Tale said…
A gift for you from the wilderness...
The woman of Rev 12 is now here, she is the prophet like unto Moses and Elijah Matt 17:3, Acts 3:21-23, Luke 1:17 delivering the true word John 1:1 from the wilderness to prepare a people for the Lord’s return. God our Father will not put any child of his into a hell fire no matter what their sins and no matter if they repent in this world or not. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer 7:31, Jer 19:5. A gift of truth that sets us all free Pro 14:25 is now delivered to the whole world as a witness Matt 24:14. Start here... obey the word Prove all things.

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