Fighting in marriage SOSolomon 5

Song of Solomon chapter 5. The reason I lagged getting to this chapter was for several reasons. First of which is, chapter 4 is absolutely wonderful and to be enjoyed for a long time. Secondly, chapter 5 of SOS is a often times a deal breaker in marriage when done wrong :how to fights in marriage, and how to make up. This is an interesting chapter. Lets dive in... let's assume some things here, now its many years from honeymoon night and the queen is asleep and undressed under blankets in her bed feet washed rollers etc, tired from the kids. Husband comes home late and is like "honey, please open the door." and she's like "What!? I'm in bed now and I'm not getting up, ya shooddah gotten here earlier."" So he puts some perfume on the door and goes away. She smells the fragrance  and remembers how much she loves him and is like "Wait! Wait! Wait!" Gets dress and makes chase and then runs into some people the watchmen who are there to trip her up.Which I really don't understand, because if she's the queen, then they should have respected her, but instead they bother, her, pushed her around, and take her veil. She finds her sweetheart, he doesn't call her names or is bitter toward her or upset brings her home and they have sweet loving (mind boggling) intimacy again.
Except for the getting accosted by watchmen part, the truth of the relationship is when you have two people living in close proximity fights MUST happen. The quickest way to resolve fights is to do what is said in Ephesians 4:28 ff.  keep current don't go historical, past factual.  Deal with the problem the same day, if you can. Speak the truth in love. Don't lie and don't bash each with truth. Don't give the devil an in....into your marriage and relationships. Love one another.remember this sweet person is your best friend and you temporarily disagree. A good marriage has good fights and good make up loving. Remember its good to be friends in marriage :)


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