What is 35
What is 35?
By Greg Valentine
These are some observations of my life that I have found interesting, and I thank God for bringing them to my attention. Hope they can encourage you.
At age 35
1ki 22:42 Jehoshaphat was THIRTY-FIVE years old when he became king, and he was king for twenty-FIVE years in Jerusalem. His mother's name was Azubah, the daughter of Shilhi.
When the number 35 is divided, it becomes two prime numbers, 5 and 7.
(A prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself and by 1)
7 is the number of literal days in creation (everything alive today was created in 7 days), It's the number of days in the total week and is the number of perfection in the bible. (Revelation talks about many other sevens: like the spirits, judgments, boils, seals, thunders, churches, and trumpets, but that is outside the scope of 35 but yet all signifying perfection.)
Ironically "Gregory" has seven letters in it too, but I'm waaaaaaaay far away from perfect, yet when I was seven years old, that was the age, when I came to know Jesus as my Savior which is too cool. For you non religious wording types, it means that I saw in reading the bible, that Jesus came to die as a scapegoat for all the things that I personally did against God's law and commands to make God really angry with me, so I needed my sins to be taken out of the picture, for God was coming to make me pay for my own sins, but Jesus took my sins and faced God's fury instead of me, so I can have a new friendship with God on his terms. And Jesus rose back to life because God was satisfied with the offering Jesus made, and now I can be in good standing with God and be forgiven. This is the great choice of all people accept it or reject it...free gift.
So that was 28 years ago. Which I am glad to know my dad lead me to Jesus. I was also the 7th open air person to join with the ministry of Open Air Evangelism, hence my email is Gvalenoae7
5 is the day of creation when the sea creatures and the flying creatures and birds were created…… awesome. Most of them live in trees, (bear with me now, it will all make sense in the end)
5 books of the Pentateuch Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Which contains the creation, the fall of man, hope of the redeemer, and the way to the promise land
In the New Testament the first five books are the Four Gospels plus one The Acts which tell of Jesus ultimate sacrifice and the Acts of the apostles (btw it never ends with an Amen "so be it", which means every believer adds something to The Acts.).
So, Its been said that the human body is completely renewed after 7 years and at 35 it has happened about 5 times. So 5 times is the number of times that my body, skin, bones, blood, brain, and all living cells has been through the 7 year cycle of replace and renewal. (Hey, I could be wrong, so go look it up!)
Anyway, If you break up my life up into 5"sevens" you have:
1-7 (1978-1985) We came to America from the commonwealth of Dominica, Met all my sisters born into this world, I learned how to read and learned that Jesus saved me from my sins, by taking my place my dad shared the bible with me.
8-14 (1986-1992) Challenger Shuttle Explosion. Elementary to jhs to high school. I learned about the world and that people don't live forever. In this time we went through several family crises that matured me real fast. Learning self defense.
15-21 (1993-1999) Jurassic park 1 Dairy farming, met some really cool friends, Christian club college university met my two three nephews. Met my career which was OAE which I thought was what God would have me do ministry forever. Met my soon to be wife Amy Glenn
21-28 (2000-2006) 9/11 happened in NYC Began practicing Tae Kwon Do Graduated college, Married my wife, My mother died from cancer, Started G. Valentine Connections. Worked met my new nephew and neice, Out reach evangelism and missions trips with several churches, left OAE due to lack of funds, and had my first 2 kids. Began working on Movies and with 3D Animations. Learning Karate and Bo staff.
29-35 (2007-2013) Third kid born and Fourth child on the way, and left the institutional weekly church altogether, to go organic church, First time ever skinny dipping, totally loved it. Working as a librarian at a law firm. Hanging out with lawyers,helping changing peoples lives by being a normal person and not some positioned clergy, have wonderful children, happily married and we are still in love with Jesus!!!
Cool right?
Last thing,
If you take up all the letters of my entire name which is Gregory Roger Valentine and you try to use up all the letters only once, you'll get:
"G. Green tree or vain glory" which is a good reminder to me, everyday not to waste my life on things that don't matter. Compared to Heaven's eternity, and glorious future, this life is a brief vapor, and everything done (as much as possible) should have a solid purpose, and a reason (as best as possible) to make my life or someone else's life better than when it started, and definitely bring Glory to God. Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Ephesians 6:10
G. Green tree (with new life and with good living)
Vain glory (useless and worthless actions)
So thank you for reading this, now go out and change the world!!! Start with your heart and thoughts first, your feelings and actions will follow. Looking forward, to the next 7 years.