One God Over 100 Billion Universes
God Over All.
By Gregory Valentine.
I was talking with my bro in the park on Monday June 11, 2018 at a picnic in Forest Park .. We got talking about many things. Many things about life, situations, forgiveness, people and truth, then finally the God who made us.
Then it hit me... The idea that God wants to be the God over us all.. Our specific lives, every personality: Angel, Demon, Human, Animal, Plant microbe, everything. It's not so much that he can't be, for he already is.. Lord over all. It's the want to be, center focus in our universe. Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength, soul and mind... And your neighbor as yourself.
What does that mean?
We have so many distractions. So many numerous things, to keep us from seeing the truth. We are not only limited from seeing God by our own heart, we are bombarded with millions of vain, useless, empty distractions, trinkets, problems, pretend games, dress up games, imaginative ideas and oh so many masks, to keep us from seeing and believing the creator who created us.
What do you mean, Greg?
I became a flat earther in 2015. It however, started way before then.. But it was building up to that specific year. It started when I asked a coworker about how is it possible for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. All gas planets.. could keep far enough distance from the sun and yet not be pulled into each other and have moons orbit them.. Their answer was gravity.. I was like, "but how?" How did it start and how does it maintain? They said gravity does it and keeps it repelling and attracting and missing each other.. I accepted it, for while, but it bothered me. Then reading I saw that the scriptures described clearly that the Sun, Moon and all the Stars (which includes the planets) are under a thing called the Firmament. This firmament is the impassable limit of our atmosphere and in it, under it, it contains the Sun, the Moon, the stars. And above it is water!! Which is to say there is no outerspace. That blew my mind. For I went to school like everyone did. I loved science. I loved astronomy. Like dinosaurs. I went to college, I have my bachelor of science degree, yet we have been forcefully trained to believe what we cannot see versus what we do see. But that was my starting place..
Seeing that God is clear, he gives us boundaries, a conscience, a limit on what we can do and go.. Yet we humans constantly are look for something else. Like God is boring and doesn't know what we need. He created everything with a purpose and without him nothing was made.
Next you have in the book of Joshua where God stops the sun and moon, in their circuit, around the earth, and then makes them move again.. Not an impossibility for God, but very huge, and troublesome, implications for the heliocentric model.
All throughout the scriptures it mentions the rotational movements of the luminaries above us.. And the earth sits still, at rest, fixed on a base, on cornerstones, immovable.
Earth is not going anywhere!
Finally, in the Revelation it mentions that God will knock all the stars out of the sky and they will all fall to earth like a fig tree shaken.
What does that mean?
3 separate verses that show the earth is the largest thing under the firmament. Sun, Moon and stars circle it.. God can stop all their rotation and in the end will cast every star down to earth... Which according to astronomical sciences is an impossibility. Image White dwarfs and red giants stars .. Hitting earth!! whoa!?!?
It was at that point that I had to consider that maybe.. Just maybe stars are not gas giants but perhaps Angels? That will be hurled to earth and not stars at all like we've been led to believe? The hosts of heaven who shine like stars all named up there watching us.
So this is a line in the sand.. Can a person accept what the scriptures says even if it contradicts science? Or is science right and the bible irreparably wrong. You decide. It will decide how we act.
A vast endless expanding universe has no ups and downs. What it has, are billions of miles of space that make verses like "all the stars falling to the earth" a serious head scratch.
In revelation, it talks about how there is a sea of glass is the lowest point in heaven next to the streets of gold. How heaven is the throne of God and the earth is his footstool.
How the firmament is like a molten looking glass.. How we are below heaven, above Hell, and right in the center of God's gaze. He sees us, He is fully aware of us and he seeks for us to realize this and seek him out, amidst all the distractions of vanity faire.
God seeks to be the God over all our lives. He is already.. He wants us to recognize this and live accordingly.
In the scriptures, it says that Jesus was given a name above all other names that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow.. and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the father.
He sent Jesus to repair the breach, all the trespasses we have done against Almighty God. He sent his son, God in the flesh, to live a perfect life, take upon himself all the sins of the entire world and face the mega destructive wrath of God on sin. He died horribly and... Rose again for us.. On the 3rd day! God demonstrated His Love for us in that while we were yet still sinners... Jesus Christ died for us... The Just one for the Unjust us.. that he might bring us to God. That is the message of the bible explained.
He wants us to seek him while he may be found. To call upon Him to save you, while he is near. It will change your life.
Imagine what this world looks like to God? Billions of lives, numerous stories, experiences of people choosing him, desiring to be his children or even the opposite, desiring not to choose him. Oh the stories of how God altered the course of many universes by a simple choice of "yes, I accept" or "No, I do not accept".
Every knee will bow, including Angels, Demons, every human you see.. either as our savior and Lord who forgave us our sins .. or before him as a judge on the very things we have done against him rejecting his free gift.
What will your story be?
At seven years old, I put my trust in Jesus as my savior and Lord... He did what no one else could do for all my sins.. And he promises to never leave us nor forsake us, All who come to him will be saved. Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no (hu)man comes to the father but by me." John 14:6
Is He the God over your universe?