Desensitization How to tricks the masses to eat the bug.
The Procedures to Desensitization.
By Gregory Valentine
How to desensitize the masses
You can fill in the blanks with just about anything, but for the sake of argument, Lets say getting people to systematic regularity in the consumption of um.. eating Crunchy Bugs..
First, they show you something fanciful and whimsical in a movie/talk show/a hit song with a controversial line or image in the background of this quite alarming subject being done. This is done by your favorite actor. The artist picks up and eats a bug.. The people watching this get alarmingly upset, protest in the street, The artist actor gets shamed, the apologetic director withdraws it, bearing the consequence of the outrage, oh the outrage, for "the sake of the children" there's the outrage!
The people feel good, the standards have been raised, the evil has been purged from the land. The Crunchy Bug eating thought slinks down back into the shadows.. Eventually, time passes. Years pass by. Society changes. Next the people who propose the bug eating mindset they wait a while longer for all who oppose to wane in their absolute resolve against devouring the Crunchy bugs. Then as time permits the crunchy bug is brought up by another famous king people person, in a casual conversation. It is presented again years later, when the population is weaker and the strongest voices of opposition have fallen into some moral compromise, and/or are long gone in their graves.
The next generation of people are oblivious to the fight "to not eating the Crunchy bugs" and are slightly Crunchy Bug eating interested. The people are now open to it, feeling so terrible about their previous outbursts, or reading the sad history of how they were so against bug eating. Even feeling great sadness for their parents' ignorance and intolerance, very upsetting behavior and outrage.
Playing to the weaknesses of the people, the opportunity is now finally here; with the environment already set for the enlightened and woke people to embrace this new idea. Some of the people are willing to give the Crunch bug eaters a chair at the discussion table. Little by little, the bug eating interest, like a fire, begins to grows, as it becomes popular in magazines, brochures and in talk shows for the first time. Even how to properly eat Mealworms, Crickets, Grasshoppers, working your way up to Beetles and Roaches. Sooner or later laws are questioned, fully examined, debated and then changed. People who like to eat the crunchy bugs are the new managers and bosses at work, voted into government and next at jobs the HR department begins to have Bug eating ethics training, meetings with the workers about the position accepting bug eaters, slightly enforced then the world welcomes it with open arms, making new laws to protect it.
Some still protest saying it is unnatural for humans to eat the bugs. "But Billy, my friend, how can you say that? Don't you like Shrimp and Lobster as foods of great treats? No Billy you must not say in your heart that there is a difference. NO Billy the Lobster and Shrimp are the crunchy bugs of the sea!" The Teachers will say to the students.
Some one says that eating bugs lengthens your life and brings pleasure in the Bedroom. Every newspaper radio internet has ads expressing the importance of bug eating for daily balance and intestinal fortitude. The list is endless. The signs are everywhere. Still there are those who still disagree saying that Crunchy Bugs have parasites that harm the eaters if not cooked well. That humans are not Insectivores but Omnivores and this eating of Bugs is a twist in the natural order of things. The Bug eaters have heard enough and will label anyone as destructive for thinking thoughts against the greater good agenda, you will hurt the earth by eating anything else than crunchy bugs.. you are a bigot and must be stopped!
Some people who understand the secret societies of the the Crunch Bug eaters come out to the light to spoil the agenda of the Reptilian Overlords who delight to eat the bug and have been secretly injecting the Crunchy Bug eating philosophy. into society
Then they hunt for all who disagree even slightly not at first but slowly showing how bugs are good and people who don't eat the bugs are primitive and uneducated.
Then the law makers rewrite everything, we have always been eating bugs, look at history, every culture ate the bug. "See children the dictator of that country ate the bugs and he was successful.." Look at so and so.. Then the great reset starts happens. Then experts with various degrees rise up shaming all decenters then they teach their children through acceptance and purchasing bug supporting efforts.
The struggle continues till they have found that people will listen to anything they say. But in every thing there are side effects. The people continue to eat bugs and do whatever the newly devised "bug experts" said until people start developing adverse affects.. Soon not one or two but several million people begin developing sickness and cancers from the bugs. They begin to mount lawsuits and file scientific studies, Trying to find a cause to the bug illness. Someone states that people are not supposed to eat bugs in the first place and those who do are being deceived.
Some dismiss the science. Some rage against it and some of the people want to protest, but they see that the science is there and data shows that the bugs are only for insectivores.
They who split from the group are called names. Those who are continue support the narrative and push Crunchy Bugs and there we find ourselves confused. While the confusion of eating bug continues, there begin to raise the consumption of other things like human consumption and meals made of people only to start the cycle again, but to lower the carbon footprint that these carbon life forms make.. Then a famous star or actor is seen eating some rare meat..
In conclusion, there is a slow acceptance of human Corruption that must be stopped at the "curious" stage by playing the "what will happen to all of us if we as a society continues down this road?" game. Perhaps it could very well be a Human grocery store? May that abomination never be.