Taking advantage

<p>At some point in helping someone, the help you give can become a problem. Wisdom let's you know when and what the difference between helping someone, and they just taking advantage of your kindness. I try to keep my abilities of helping someone to clearly injured, maimed, bleeding, lying on the floor or someone like a woman/child. Every so often, I do cross the line and go to help someone's kid who may or may not be just a "little misunderstood" or so I think. Later to realize that the parents were clearly right and indeed may be the ones who really needed the help and the kid just needs the proper correction. Sometimes. I say that, because sometimes its the parent that makes the problem that they release upon the world, that society now has to deal with. Anyway, you slice it, there comes a point when you are forced to make a decision to say goodbye. Again, that's always tough , never easy, and you spend days chewing on whether or not if you did the right thing. The agony of being a responsible adult. I guess.</p>


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