Being a thorn in the side
Being a thorn in the side
by Greg Valentine
Once upon a time, my wife and I became examples to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. (1 Tim 4:12) we sought to work as missionaries and to help train churches to reach the miss informed in New York City. We trusted God in faith to provide the monthly missionary money requirement. We were not able to make it. And we were let go from the mission board.Being faced with the challenges of relocating our new missions statement and purpose, we sought to become people who would use our gifts to benefit the Church body at large, incidentally, in so doing, we became fighters against the system. We were following the initial shadow, of what we thought was right and good, as a unit collective, a so called family, working together. We believe that the gathering of believers is to mimic that of a real life family.
One day after many years of travail in that local assembly, trying to understand that it seemed less and less like a family and more like an organization of checks and balances, we gathered that the system was indeed corrupt and that believers should take steps in seeking a new vision of who the Saviour, Jesus Christ, is in relation to the organized religious system back in the day. He turned tables and was a bother to the "religious machine."
We could only encourage and inspire others as far as we personally have taken steps, No armchair quarter-backing. When the time came, we took the necessary steps to continue that example, as we left the organizational church system, to find the the sufficiency of Jesus alone, first then the fellowship of the believers, in close second. Determined to find the saviour who helps us stand we left.
The song says
"In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all-in-all
Here in the love of Christ I stand"
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all-in-all
Here in the love of Christ I stand"
So this brings us to the topic at hand:
Being a thorn in the side.
We were severely warned that leaving the "church" would lead to death: physical, spiritual, mental death. Needless to say we have been out of the Church building for almost 3 years. We have sought to live up to the standards set in the word of God. At the end of the day, isnt everyone who is a Christian supposed to wave this banner?
"Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: That The Lord knows those who are his and Let everyone who names the name of Jesus depart from iniquity." (2 Timothy 2:19.)
God knows his people and his people have a distinction and its not the skirts and haircuts, people. The distinction comes from knowing that the Lord knows you and that you have a real quality life to encourage those around us.
This realization, I suppose, I would have, if I were in that congregation of the faithful building dwellers, a thorn in the minds of all our friends who still attend the weekly services. There would be thoughts like "What do we do with the Valentines? What category do they fall into? Clearly they are still believers, but they are not attending the church services any more? They must be in sin! They must be in a cult! They must be not living right!" Here we stand and continue to stand by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wondering when the Calvary and defenders of the institutional way, is ever going to come, and snatch us back to the estranged building, if they ever leave their pews, perhaps!
I'm not a monster so I'll say it here there are some good sound people in the building. I do believe that every infant needs a temporary nursery, but there comes a point when the baby grows up and leaves the milk bottles and diaper changing behind and seeks to walk on their own, feed themselves and make a contribution to the world at large, not a financial donation contribution, mind you. A contribution were you leave a mark on this world and change your surroundings like a thermostat.
Being a thorn has opened my eyes to seeing that really if you go against the flow, they will first deny your spiritual validity, then try to debunk your personal convictions, then fight you vehemently on one verse, then they'll try intense persuasion then finally they'll leave you alone. So hang on, tough it out, and fight the good fight, because if someone push against a thorn they're gonna get hurt!
Don't be an arrogant jerk,however, but be willing to hear and address the questions of the onlookers and questioners, if they personally ask you, why you are being a thorn in the side. This is only in regards to living the life outside the building, never is a believer to be using his or her freedom in Jesus for the use of defending or supporting sin.
Don't ever get caught twisting Bible verses to make yourself happy or right. Many religions, politicians and individuals do this, and there's nothing worse than having to deal with God judging and correcting your bad motives and intentions on the things he has clearly spoken on. It's called justification. It's truly by the grace and mercy of God that we're not all dead!!