Prometheus review

Wow! what! hey! Nice planet, No way! Nice storm! Thats not supposed to happen! Sick, nice spaceship! nice explosion, alien whoa! Who the what? Now what?
That's my overal review of the movie. Hope you enjoy it too.
I just uncovered a huge continuity problem in the alien universe.  When the alien known as deacon is revealed in Prometheus  I was like cool! Then I started thinking, wait a second, haven't we  already seen a fully formed queen alien in alien versus predator? and that was not as far into the future as Prometheus movie which is a couple movies away from alien? And in predator 2 we saw a fully formed alien skull. Then even in Prometheus we see a fully formed queen in a mural! So go see it but if you are a die hard fan you will spot all the holes in this Swiss cheese.
Prometheus 2 better be darn good!


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