Hold Your Fire!!!!!!

Hold your fire!!!

By Greg Valentine

Low Level assault (LLA)Voice: “Laser cannon Charged”

L1: Target selected. Proceed HQ?

HQ: Unit leader- Hold………

L1: Copy that HQ?

HQ: “Hold-static……. static-down! Repeat,”

L1: Copy that HQ? Commence fire upon target?

HQ: “Static………Hold-static……. static-down!”

L1: Fire at target, HQ?

HQ: Hold……….Fire

HQ: Silence……….

L1: Squad Unit,

L2: Roger L1,

L1: proceed to fire on my mark. 3,2,…….

HQ: Stand down -Unit leader! Stand down! It’s the wrong target.

L1: Roger that HQ, standing down.

L1: L2 Stand down

LLA: Laser cannon weapon disengage.

What just didn’t happen here?

I received a comment from someone. It was my turn to volley back a response.
I had ready all my literary weapons, charged and ready, to rain down truth and to broadcast my sound unbeatable opinion on this simpleton. Then common sense set in.  A holy voice of reason said to me. "Pray and ask God to have you take a step back and further think. Do examine this incoming assault from a different set of eyes." I took my finger off the send button and sought the Lord. He said stop and wait and I will make it clear to you. SO I LISTENED. 

It was a Good thing too.  Had I fired my opinion from out of my heart, through my fingers into cyberspace I would’ve been wrong, extremely wrong. When I held my tongue, stopped to think and decided that reexamine what I want to say several times before I fired the comments, the rebuttal back if you will, I saved myself from having to apologize for a wrong I would have committed. I sat there relieved. Thanking God tremendously, that my emotions did not get the better of me, like the poor soul who fired the first volley in the first place.   I went and reread my post I previously wrote on the conclusion and started to ask myself the questions I was asking the universe.
So, now as I sit here contemplating how to respond to the comments stated so publicly, I say to myself. “Self, Let everyone be quick to hear slow to speak slow to wrath, for the wrath of man works not the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20” I doubt the person who said what they said will humbly say sorry for misfiring, but I will wait to see what they are made of, first.  If they want to continue this relationship, If not, I will still wait.


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