So They Entice You to Buy

So they entice you to buy. Not sure if you really need it and You don't have the money to buy it. Some how they convince you that you must have it. You fill out a credit card application because the rates are sooooooo low. Yep now you have the "money". Then you go to purchase this much needed item. You take out that credit card and place it rigjt next to that item of your desire. But there's a pause. A thought. A consideration. Hey! What do I need with some item I couldn't even pay for in the first place?
You pick that item up. The cashier looks at you funny. They're thinking I can't believe how long that person waited on line for that dumb thing?!  The Security guard eyes you. You take a step. And the proceed to placing that item back on its shelf. You realize the value of a dollar earned and hard work and commit yourself to save enough cash to buy it later or wait for the price to drop. Mom and dad would be so proud. You listened to that inner voice......
"Sir are you gonna buy this thing or what? You're holding up ma line!" Says the cashier.
"Sorry,daydreaming." You say. "What's the price?"
"More than you make in four weeks." is the reply
That's the price!?! you gasp.
Would you like the warranty?
No thanks. why would I need that? Wow tax is that high? This feeling is getting worse by the second.
"Cash or debit or soul-debt?"They say.
"Soul debt" the cashier says blankly
"Is that credit?"
Sign your life on the led screen. Push harder.
Three seconds after purchase you feel it. That strange, how do you say, um a "lurking?" That empty gulp. That "why did I buy this thing?" a buyers' remorse feeling. "I'm a trooper, lets make it work." (Actually this neat cool thing will now put me to work, and take food money from my children's mouth).

First invoice comes in. No problem
Easy shifting of priorities and blam minimum payment received. Feeling good feeling responsible
Minimum payment plus interest restores the amount to full amount due.

99 more minimum payments to go! Yaay.

more to follow.


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