Free food!
I'm constantly thinking of the story of the little red hen. You know this story right? Starts off with a little hen and its brood who asked her friends for help, to plant wheat, water the wheat, harvest the wheat, mill it, bake it and serve it. Each time the red hen asked help from her friends, they told her no. They told her no each time, except when she was serving the bread. Then they came to eat.
The little red hen, like a good Christian, said "Sure, come eat of my bread that I struggle to grow, care for, harvest, mill and process into bread. Yes, come take food from my children's mouth and eat, eat, and eat.
That's only in the alternate universe, man! She said No! No, you get nothing, because you helped me not at all when I asked for your help! Nothing you will get, because you only think of your needs and love yourself. The bread goes to my children.
Was there a problem in the statement of the hen? Was she mean? I don't think so. I believe that this is a very good story!
Okay, how does that relate?
We have people in this world who love to get, who hate to give help and then they are there to reap the rewards of other people service and give speeches and praises of how good the free bread is. There are people who rob and steal from those around them by not helping out! This is not an indictment on anyone on welfare, read on and see for self.
Our government takes pride in it's taxation right. In its ability to get money by forced taxation and give it to society in forms of assistance. It takes money from many and gives it to the few.
Why are so many people on government assistance? Is it because many people have no friends to help then? No friends to contribute time, effort, money, and love to assist them? And people don't like being put in the situation of forced help. The real Christian thing to do, is to help wherever you can if a person is willing to help you in return when you ask for it. That's where it breaks down when it breaks down.
The red hen struggled to find another way and provided for herself and family because friends didn't help. So the government has to snatch the money from others to feed the poor. To make programs that cost the taxpayers millions of dollars, because that person lacks the friendship and familial support because of whatever reason.
Honestly, This is not an indictment on the government either but on us(me too) who are clueless on the needs of our friends, and family to which they must find help from other sources, namely the government.
Too many people have been abandoned by "blood". Too many have been left to languish alone in this world so they are hereby forced to get what's needed in anyway that they can. By humbly submitting to the govt machine. Where's the friends and family? I hope they are doing more than praying in the comforts of their home
Some take advantage of the system and they should be severely punished for it with penalty and community service. They are not the topic. The statement is we are all being punished for all the people who refuse to help their family and friends so we get to robbed of the reward of new friendships and lessons on life. If we helped our friends and family there would be no one on government assistance forcing the help from us.
In short, there is "No Free Food".
Matthew 25:35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: