Today Monday 31113
a vast amount of WORK related
Just about every
office related time consuming
situation came in
like waves of the ocean and
crashed down onto my world.
And also its day light savings time.
I got snappy and snippy about 4pm.
Me gets this way when hungry me thinks.
My name was called again to do some task. Its not the work that frustrates nor the task at hand its the interruptions. Because to be interrupted means you go into RESET mode, which means you must stop what you are doing, pack it up, put it out of the way and come back to it later. Its a tough thing when you'really trying to be on top of your game.
Sometimes I just want to hide when my name is called.
I cannot(not for long anyway) because if I disappear when I re-appear, they will give me an ear full.
Time management is a joke.
Its solid prioritization. Everday,I list my goals look at what needs to be done and run as fast as I can before I'm called to another responsibility then after that responsibility is complete, I resume the chase.
Finally winding down to complete the day. I can see the runway. The flaps are down landing gear down. Approaching the last waypoint then SMACK! One last "little" assignment a 10 copy something or other, that must be done today. It's a return to flight. After an hour of fixing and processing.I get a call, Hey greg ya still there?, stop where you are, it can be done tomorrow. I was already done.
That was Monday.